Results: 2021 Wisconsin 3-Gun Championship
A big congratulations to Jon Wiedell, Tim Yackley and Sean Yackley who all took Division Wins in Open, Tac-Ops and Limited respectively at the 2021 Wisconsin 3Gun Championship.
96 competitors made it out for 10 stages of shooting in Wisconsin.
Open Division had 26 shooters including Jay Carillo (3), Kyle Roble (5), Kevin Harrington (9) and Jeff Chaffin (15) but Jon Wiedell was able to pull a win putting over 8% on second place Daniel Beste.

The largest division featured 62 shooters and one Tim Yackley who finished at the top of the Tac-Ops fight among competitors like Dillen Easley (3), Garrett Grover (8) and Rob Cyra (13). Tim’s brother, Andrew (7), and mother, Becky (20), also competed in Tac Ops.

The middle Yackley boy, Sean fought his way to the top of the eight-person Limited Division, besting second place’s Sean Koopman by less than 2%.

It sounds like the Vortex 3Gun Wisconsin 3-Gun Championship presented by American Defense Manufacturing was a fun and well run match. Who’s going next year?
Big thanks to Practiscore for scoring and results!