The 3Gun Show
The 3GunShow is a weekly podcast, hosted by Dave Hartman, interviewing the top personalities in the sport of three-gun. Each week you will hear an exciting new guest interviewed as we cover such topics as what it takes to be a top shooter in the sport, how they got into shooting multi-gun, where to get started in 3gun and their best tips and tricks for success.
Your Host
Hi, my name is Dave Hartman. I am an outdoor enthusiast, obstacle racer, CrossFitter, gun rights advocate and I am a 3-Gunner.
I grew up, attended college and currently live on the Front Range of Colorado. After racing cars in my college years I thought I’d calm down a bit and take up guns as a hobby to satisfy the desire to tinker with mechanical objects. I soon found that I was not ready to calm down and began looking for something more exciting than punching paper at the local range.
With a passion for shooting and individual athletic pursuits, I found it all in the sport of 3-Gun.
I remember how nervous I was to go out and shoot my first 3-Gun match. I did well and was immediately hooked on the sport. Three years, dozens of matches and thousands of rounds later 3-Gun has become the reason I train hard, eat well and shoot every week.
I have found that my success in any endeavor has been heavily influenced by choosing great coaches and mentors. My goal with The 3Gun Show is to bring the knowledge and experience of the best shooters, match directors and manufacturers in the sport to you, the listener and 3-Gun enthusiast. Join me and together we’ll learn from the greatest.
Our Mission
- Have Fun.
- Learn from other 3-Gunners and spread that knowledge to the community
- Positively promote 3-Gun and the shooting sports to encourage growth The HQ
Much like the scoring shack is on the range, is our headquarters, where you can find everything from posts of our show notes to killer resources for anyone interested in the sport of 3-Gun.
Show notes
We post show notes from every podcast, which will include links and references to everything of importance discussed during the interview. So don’t worry if you’re in the car or on the run and can’t write down all those great resources and recommendations that our guests mention. You can find all of that linked up in the show notes for quick and easy access.
Resources page
Our Resources page was built with you in mind. This is where you can find descriptions and links to the products and resources recommended by the 3GunShow.
Something on your mind?
Feel free to email: Dave @